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This is our earliest tulip. It always blooms in abundance on Kuyuk. And next, look, a leaf of Greig's tulip. It will bloom in a couple of weeks.

What are they all the same handsome!

They grow just among the stones. But I think that the bulb of the orthopoda is very deep.

While wandering along the slopes, photographing tulips, a flock of demoiselle cranes flew over Kuyuk. Let's go east (to Oleg Belyalov - catch).

Bloomed  goose onion (Gagia sp.) Nothing else new. It would be interesting to see Wetmore's youth. But it will be seen later. Not even a hint of buds yet. Let's go further. And Kamennaya Balka will be longer.

On the way out of Kuyuk I met a common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). She constantly lives and regularly meets on the border of the gorge and the steppe.

There are no interesting flowers in Kamennaya Balka. Stream full of clean water.

And on the stone ridge at the entrance there is a pleshanka heater. But I scared her.

And she turned out on a tall bush. Let's go further - to Stone Lake - Taskol.

Taskol met with a traditionally empty surface.

No ducks for you, no waders along the shore. Somewhere the splashes of coots could be heard.

But Taskol pleased with a new tulip (Buse) - Tulipa buhseana.

It is common along the shores of the lake. But now it has only just begun.

But along the shore, all the same, every small thing met. Reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus).

And the yellow-headed wagtail (Motacilla citreola).

and mountain horse (Anthus spinoletta).

And when almost everything was over, I met the first hoopoe this year - (Upupa epops). But that's all. We accompany the spring further. This is how the ode turned out.

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